Fishing Vessel Ocean Observing Network

Publications and resources

January 2025: Lago, V., M. Roughan, C. Kerry, and I. Knuckey. 2025. Fishing for ocean data in the East Australian Current. In Frontiers in Ocean Observing. E.S. Kappel, V. Cullen, I.C.A. da Silveira, G. Coward, C. Edwards, P. Heimbach, T. Morris, H. Pillar, M. Roughan, and J. Wilkin, eds, Oceanography 38(Supplement 1),

December 2024: Hirose N, Takikawa T, Ito T, Nagamoto A, Takagi N, Kokubo T, Kimura M, Yabuki Tand Hazama T (2024) Positive data circulation established by Kyushu Smart Fisheries (QSF) team. Front. Mar. Sci. 11:1457272. 103278.

July 2024: Jakoboski, J., Roughan, M., Radford, J., de Souza, J. M. A. C., Felsing, M., Smith, R., Puketapu-Waite, N., Orozco, M. M., Maxwell, K. H., & van Vranken, C. (2024). Partnering with the commercial fishing sector and Aotearoa New Zealand’s ocean community to develop a nationwide subsurface temperature monitoring program. Progress in Oceanography225, 103278. 

April 2024: Kerry, C., Roughan, M., & Azevedo Correia de Souza, J. M. (2024). Assessing the impact of subsurface temperature observations from fishing vessels on temperature and heat content estimates in shelf seas: a New Zealand case study using Observing System Simulation Experiments. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11.

April 2024: Martinelli, M., Penna, P., Guicciardi, S., Duchene, J., Haavisto, N., Marty, S., King, A., Van Bavel, B., Ødegaard, Ø., & Ntoumas, M. (2023). NAUTILOS D5.6 – Validation and integration report on ships of opportunity. Zenodo.

November 2023: Duchêne Julie, Leblond Emilie, Quéméner Loïc, Charria Guillaume (2023). Bilan du projet RECOPESCA.

August 2023: Van Vranken, C. H., Jakoboski, J., Carroll J. W., Cusack, C., Gorringe, P., Hirose, N., Manning, J. P., Martinelli, M., Penna, P., Pickering, M., Santos, A. M., Roughan, M., De Souza, J., & Moustahfid, H. (2023). Towards a global Fishing Vessel Ocean Observing Network (FVON): State of the art and future directions. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10,

August 2023: Penna, P., Domenichetti, F., Belardinelli, A., and Martinelli, M.: Dataset of depth and temperature profiles obtained from 2012 to 2020 using commercial fishing vessels of the AdriFOOS fleet in the Adriatic Sea, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 15, 3513–3527,, 2023.

August 2023: Penna, P., Domenichetti, F., Belardinelli, A., and Martinelli, M.: Dataset of depth and temperature profiles obtained from 2012 to 2020 using commercial fishing vessels of the AdriFOOS fleet in the Adriatic Sea, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 15, 3513-3527,, 2023

November 2021: |Ito, T., Nagamoto, A., Nabuo, T., Nobuteru, K., Kokubo, T., Takikawa, T., & Hirose, N. (2021). Construction of CTD hydrographic observation system by fishermen in northwest Kyushu, Japan. Bull. Jpn. Soc. Fish. Oceanogr., 85(4), 197–203.

July 2021: Piecho-Santos, A. M. P., Hinostroza, M. A., Rosa, T., & Guedes Soares, C. (2021). Autonomous observing systems in fishing vessels. In Developments in Maritime Technology and Engineering (pp. 805–808). CRC Press.

May 2021: Pieri G., Ntoumas M., Martinelli M., Chatzinikolaou E., Martins F., Novellino A., Dimitrova N., Keller K., Raimund S., King A., Smerdon A., Mazza M., Malarde D., Cocco M., Torres A., Triantafyllou G., Sá S., Bebianno M., Sparnocchia S., Trond K., Lusher A. New technology improves our understanding of changes in the marine environment. In: Fernandez V., Lara-Lopez A., Eparkhina D., Cocquempot L., Lochet C., Lips I. (eds.) (2021). Advances in operational oceanography: expanding Europe’s ocean observing and forecasting capacity. Proceedings of the 9th EuroGOOS International Conference. 3 – 5 May 2021, Online Event 2021, EuroGOOS. Brussels, Belgium. 574 pp., 2021.

October 2020: Van Vranken, C., Vastenhoud, B. M. J., Manning, J. P., Plet-Hansen, K. S., Jakoboski, J., Gorringe, P., & Martinelli, M. (2020). Fishing Gear as a Data Collection Platform: Opportunities to Fill Spatial and Temporal Gaps in Operational Sub-Surface Observation Networks. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7.

September 2019: Mourre B., Hernández-Lasheras J., Juza M., Reyes E., Aguiar E., Heslop E., Orfila A., Tintoré J., Vitorino J., Korres G., Perivoliotis L. , Mpouma E., Doumas M., Ferrer L., Rubio A., Mader J., Ciliberti S., Jansen E., Coppini G., Griffa A., Berta M., Martinelli M., Penna P., Sparnocchia S., Laakso L., Björkqvist JV., Wedhe H., Karlson B., Axell L., Aneborg L. Chapter 8. Operational oceanography and coastal forecasting IN: Gremare Antoine, Puillat Ingrid, Karlson Bengt, Artigas Felipe, Nizzetto Luca, Rubio Anna, Laakso Lauri, Mourre Baptiste, 2019. JERICO-NEXT. JRAP Synthesis and contribution to the strategy for the future. JERICO-NEXT-WP4-D4.5-220919-V5.0.

September 2019: Wang, A.Z., H. Moustahfid, A. V. Mueller, M. Mowlem, A. P. M. Michel, B. T. Glazer, P. Brehmer, T. A. Mooney, K. Friedman, W. Michaels, J. S. McQuillan, J. C. Robidart, A. Schaap, and S. Monk. 2018. Advancing Observation of Ocean Biogeochemistry, Biology, and Ecosystems with Cost-effective In Situ Sensing Technologies. Front. Mar. Sci., 06 September 2019 |

March 2019: O’Callaghan, J., Stevens, C., Roughan, M., Cornelisen, C., Sutton, P., Garrett, S., Giorli, G., Smith, R. O., Currie, K. I., Suanda, S. H., Williams, M., Bowen, M., Fernandez, D., Vennell, R., Knight, B. R., Barter, P., McComb, P., Oliver, M., Livingston, M., … Macdonald, H. (2019). Developing an Integrated Ocean Observing System for New Zealand. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6.

January 2019: Gawarkiewicz, G., & Malek Mercer, A. (2019). Partnering with Fishing Fleets to Monitor Ocean Conditions. Annual Review of Marine Science, 11(1), 391–411.

August 2017: Sparnocchia S., Martinelli M., del Rio J., Belardinelli A., Penna P., Domenichetti F., Campanelli A., Toma D.M., Martinez E., Nogueras M. Work Package 9 – Deliverable 9.3– Mediterranean Sea Demonstration Report: Report on demonstration of sensor systems in the Mediterranean. FP7 Ocean 2013 NeXOS project “Next generation Low-Cost Multifunctional Web Enabled Ocean Sensor Systems Empowering Marine, Maritime and Fisheries Management”. 2017.

June 2017: Petersen W., Ove Möller K., Seppälä J., Creach V., Sparnocchia S., King A., Martinelli M., Laakso L., Bengt K., Greenwood N., Sørensen K., Nair R., Wranne A., Cantoni C., Artigas F., Ntoumas M., Jaccard P., Lizon F., Delauney L., Lizon F., Wacquet G., Louchart A. Work Package Deliverable 2.2 Report on the status of sensors used for measuring nutrients, biology – related optical properties, variables of the marine carbonate system, and for coastal profiling, within the JERICO network and, more generally, in the European context. H2020 JERICO – NEXT Project “Joint European Research Infrastructure network for Coastal Observatory – Novel European eXpertise for coastal observaTories”. 2017.

February 2017: Martinelli, M., Belardinelli, A., Penna, P., Croci, C., Domenichetti, F., Campanelli, A., Betti, M., Paschini, E., Sparnocchia, S., & Guicciardi, S. (2017). NEXOS Validation report, for Deliverable 8.2: 5.6 Fishing vessel and EAF.4/EAF.6 sensors. In Work Package 8 – Deliverable 8.2 – Validation Report – FP7 Ocean 2013 NeXOS project “Next generation Low-Cost Multifunctional Web Enabled Ocean Sensor Systems Empowering Marine, Maritime and Fisheries Management.”

October 2016: Aydoğdu, A., Pinardi, N., Pistoia, J., Martinelli, M., Belardinelli, A., & Sparnocchia, S. (2016). Assimilation experiments for the Fishery Observing System in the Adriatic Sea. Journal of Marine Systems, 162, 126–136.

June 2016: Patti, B., Martinelli, M., Aronica, S., Belardinelli, A., Penna, P., Bonanno, A., Basilone, G., Fontana, I., Giacalone, G., Gabriele Gallì, N., Sorgente, R., Angileri, I. V. M., Croci, C., Domenichetti, F., Bonura, D., Santojanni, A., Sparnocchia, S., D’Adamo, R., Marini, M., … Mazzola, S. (2016). The fishery and oceanography observing system (FOOS): A tool for oceanography and fisheries science. Journal of Operational Oceanography, 9, S99–S118.

June 2016: Sparnocchia S. , Nair R. , Petihakis G. , Aydoğdu A. , Dobricic S. , Farcy P. , Martinelli M., Petersen W. & Petit de la Villeon L. (2016) An interlinked coastal observatory network for Europe, Journal of Operational Oceanography, 9:sup1, s193-s201. 10.1080/1755876X.2015.1114808

March 2016: Lamouroux, J., Charria, G., de Mey, P., Raynaud, S., Heyraud, C., Craneguy, P., Dumas, F., & le Hénaff, M. (2016). Objective assessment of the contribution of the RECOPESCA network to the monitoring of 3D coastal ocean variables in the Bay of Biscay and the English Channel. Ocean Dynamics, 66(4), 567–588.

January 2016: Martinelli, M., Guicciardi, S., Penna, P., Belardinelli, A., Croci, C., Domenichetti, F., Santojanni, A., & Sparnocchia, S. (2016). Evaluation of the oceanographic measurement accuracy of different commercial sensors to be used on fishing gears. Ocean Engineering, 111, 22–33.

October 2015: Carpi, P., Martinelli, M., Belardinelli, A., Russo, A., Arneri, E., Coluccelli, A., & Santojanni, A. (2015). Coupling an oceanographic model to a Fishery Observing System through mixed models: the importance of fronts for anchovy in the Adriatic Sea. Fisheries Oceanography, 24(6), 521–532.

March 2015: Gaughan, P., Nolan, G., Puillat, I., Farcy, P., Mowlem, M., Seppala, J., Seppo, K., Martinelli, M., Coppola, L., Delauney, L., Ramirez, A., Penna, P., Croci, C., Domenichetti, F., Santojanni, A., Paschini, E., & Sparnocchia, S. (2015). Jerico WP10 Deliverable 10.4 – Report on Potential New Sensors (Fishing Vessels and Voluntary Opportunity Ships).

December 2014: Manning, J., & Pelletier, E. (2009). Environmental monitors on lobster traps (eMOLT): long-term observations of New England’s bottom-water temperatures. Journal of Operational Oceanography, 2(1), 25–33.

May 2007: Falco, P., Belardinelli, A., Santojanni, A. et al. (2007) An observing system for the collection of fishery and oceanographic data. Ocean Sci. 3:189–203.